An Exploration of Extreme Weather Events in the US

A look into extreme weather events registered in the past five years in the US.

Chiara Di Gravio


December 31, 2022

The Data

In this blog post we are going to look at severe weather events recorded in the US between 2016 and 2021. The data used in this blog post were downloaded on December 21, 2022 from Kaggle. First, let’s have a quick look at the data. There are approximately 7.5 million of events recorded (7,479,165 to be exact) by 1,973 weather stations across the US and 14 variables. A look into the paper of Moosavi et al linked at the end of this page allows us to understand what each variable represents. Here are the variables we will be looking at:

  • Type. This is a factor with 7 levels: severe-cold (temperatures \(\leq\) 23.7C), fog, hail, rain, snow, storm (this involves rain and winds), and precipitation (anything else that is not classified as rain or snow).

  • Severity. This is a factor indicating the severity of a weather event. For this analysis we are going to consider only the events classified as heavy or severe.

  • StartTime(UTC). Date indicating when the event started

  • TimeZone. This is a factor with 4 levels indicating the US time zones: Eastern, Central, Mountain and Pacific

  • LocationLat. Latitude

  • LocationLng. Longitude

  • City

  • State

Which Cities Got the “Worst” Weather?

The table below shows the top 10 cities in the US where the highest number of heavy and severe weather events are recorded. This is a top 10 where most of the people might not want to be part of!

There are three cities in Florida in the top 10 (again hurricane might be the big culprit here), but the city the the highest number of recorded severe weather events is Mullan, Idaho.

cities <- dat.severe[, .(NumEventAreaType = .N), by = c("City", "State")]
setorder(cities, cols = -"NumEventAreaType") 
kable(head(cities, 10), col.names = c("City", "State", "Number of Events"))
City State Number of Events
Mullan ID 4971
Thompson Falls-West End MT 4802
Sargents NH 4775
Tampa FL 4617
Jacksonville FL 4588
South Beach OR 4394
Lompoc CA 4292
Panama City FL 4056
Wolf Creek OR 3960
Tillamook OR 3671
Table 1: Top 10 cities recording extreme evetns

A short read on the climate Mullan, ID (thanks to Wikipedia) shows that Mullan tend to be really cold and snowy in the winter, nd a quick look at the data shows how 311 extreme snow events were recorded in five years (this is approximately 62 extreme events a year!)

mullan <- dat.severe[City == "Mullan"]
kable(mullan[, .(NumEventAreaType = .N), by = c("Type")],
      col.names = c("Type", "Number of Events"))
Type Number of Events
Fog 4610
Cold 36
Snow 311
Rain 14
Extreme ecents recorded in Mullan, ID between 2016 and 2021


[1] Moosavi, Sobhan, Mohammad Hossein Samavatian, Arnab Nandi, Srinivasan Parthasarathy, and Rajiv Ramnath. “Short and Long-term Pattern Discovery Over Large-Scale Geo-Spatiotemporal Data.” In Proceedings of the 25th ACM SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining, ACM, 2019.

[2] Wikipedia page on Mullan, ID.