
Vanderbilt University, Nashville (TN), USA

PhD in Biostatistics | 2018 - 2023. Advisers: Jonathan Schildcrout, PhD and Ran Tao, PhD

Thesis Title: “Designs and Analysis Methods for Modern Biomedical Studies with Longitudinal Outcomes”

University of British Columbia, Vancouver (BC), Canada

MSc in Statistics | 2013 - 2015. Adviser: Gabriela Cohen Freue, PhD

Thesis Title: “Instrumental Variable Selection: a Comparison of Regularization and Post-Regularization Methods”

Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy

MSc in Actuarial and Financial Science | 2010 - 2013. Adviser: Paola Verico, PhD. Conferred cum laude

BSc in Statistics, Finance and Insurance | 2006 - 2009. Conferred cum laude


Imperial College London, Department of Epidemiology and Biostatistics, London, UK

  • Research Associate | July 2023 - Present

    • Provide statistical analyses for the Real-time Assessment of Community Transmission (REACT), the Cohort Study of Mobile Phone Use and Health (COSMOS) and the Airwave Study. Adviser: David C Muller, PhD

Vanderbilt University, Department of Biostatistics, Nashville (TN), USA

  • Research Assistant | June 2019 - June 2023

    • Developed designs and analysis methods for cost and resource efficient studies in longitudinal data settings. Advisers: Jonathan Schildcrout, PhD and Ran Tao, PhD

    • Provided statistical analyses for the Vanderbilt Inpatients Cohort Study (VICS). Advisers: Jonathan Schildcrout, PhD and Sunil Kripilani, MD

    • Member of the Statistical Innovation in Clinical Trials Working Group

    • Worked on ways to integrate randomized controlled trials and observational data. Adviser: Amir Asiaee, PhD

MRC Lifecourse Epidemiology Unit, Southampton, UK

  • Statistician | September 2015 - July 2018

    • Statistician for the “Nutrition, Development and Lifelong Health in Transitioning Populations” programme

    • Provided statistical analysis for multiple studies within the programme. Research included modelling fetal and childhood growth to study associations between early life characteristics and risk of cardio-metabolic disease in later life

    • Member of the Epigenetic Mechanism link Pre-conceptional nutrition and Health Assessed in India and Sub-Saharan Africa group. EMPHASIS Website