Invited Talks

  • Studying Mortality in Critically Ill Patients: an Analysis of Ordinal Longitudinal Data under Case-Control Sampling CMStatistics2024. London, UK. December 2024. [Slides]

  • Analysis of Ordinal Longitudinal Data under Case-Control Sampling: Studying the Association between Glycocalyx Degradation and Mortality in Critically Ill Patients International Biometrics Conference 2024. Atlanta, USA. December 2024. [Slides]

  • Analysis of Ordinal Longitudinal Data under Case-Control Sampling: Studying Mortality in Critically Ill Patients. CMStatistics2023. Berlin, Germany. December 2023. [Slides]

Contributed Talks

  • The Relationship between Self-Reported Persistent Symptoms post-COVID-19 and Employment among Adults in England, UK. Demystifying Long COVID. Madrid, Spain. December 2023.

  • Efficient Study Designs and Analysis Methods for Binary Longitudinal Data: an Application to the Lung Health Study. ENAR 2023. Nashville (TN), US. March 2023. [Slides] Winner of ENAR DIstinguished Student Paper Award

  • Efficient Design and Analysis of a Two-Phase Study with Longitudinal Binary Outcomes. ENAR 2022. Houston (TX), US. March 2022. [Slides]

  • Design and Analysis of Two-Phase Studies with Multivariate Longitudinal Outcomes. Vanderbilt Department of Biostatistics Weekly Seminar. Nashville (TN), US. September 2021. [Slides]

  • Design and Analysis of Two-Phase Studies with Multivariate Longitudinal Outcomes. ENAR 2021. Virtual. March 2021. [Slides]

  • Multiple imputation of an expensive covariate in outcome dependent sampling designs for longitudinal data. ENAR 2020. Virtual. March 2020. [Slides]

  • Comparing BMI with skinfolds to estimate age at adiposity rebound and associations with later cardio-metabolic risk markers. 20th Annual SNEHA - MRC International Workshop. Pune (India). February 2017.

  • Instrumental variables selection: a comparison between regularisation and post-regularisation methods. UBC Department of Statistics Weekly Seminar. Vancouver (BC), Canada. August 2015.

Poster Presentation

  • The association of maternal age with fetal growth and newborn measures: the Mumbai Maternal Nutrition Project (MMNP). 10th World Congress on Development Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD). Rotterdam (Netherlands). October 2017.

  • Comparing BMI with skinfolds to estimate age at adiposity rebound and associations with later cardio-metabolic risk markers. 61th Annual Scientific Meeting: Society of Social Medicine. Manchester (UK). September 2017.

  • A pre-conceptional micronutrient-rich food-based snack for women in Mumbai slums did not increase ultrasound measures of fetal growth. Nutrition and Nurture in Infancy and Childhood. Grange-over-Sands (UK). June 2017.

  • A pre-conceptional micronutrient-rich food-based snack for women in Mumbai slums did not increase ultrasound measures of fetal growth. 19th Annual SNEHA - MRC International Workshop. Hyderabad (India). February 2016. Winner of the Best Poster Award.