Invited Talks
Studying Mortality in Critically Ill Patients: an Analysis of Ordinal Longitudinal Data under Case-Control Sampling CMStatistics2024. London, UK. December 2024. [Slides]
Analysis of Ordinal Longitudinal Data under Case-Control Sampling: Studying the Association between Glycocalyx Degradation and Mortality in Critically Ill Patients International Biometrics Conference 2024. Atlanta, USA. December 2024. [Slides]
Analysis of Ordinal Longitudinal Data under Case-Control Sampling: Studying Mortality in Critically Ill Patients. CMStatistics2023. Berlin, Germany. December 2023. [Slides]
Contributed Talks
The Relationship between Self-Reported Persistent Symptoms post-COVID-19 and Employment among Adults in England, UK. Demystifying Long COVID. Madrid, Spain. December 2023.
Efficient Study Designs and Analysis Methods for Binary Longitudinal Data: an Application to the Lung Health Study. ENAR 2023. Nashville (TN), US. March 2023. [Slides] Winner of ENAR DIstinguished Student Paper Award
Efficient Design and Analysis of a Two-Phase Study with Longitudinal Binary Outcomes. ENAR 2022. Houston (TX), US. March 2022. [Slides]
Design and Analysis of Two-Phase Studies with Multivariate Longitudinal Outcomes. Vanderbilt Department of Biostatistics Weekly Seminar. Nashville (TN), US. September 2021. [Slides]
Design and Analysis of Two-Phase Studies with Multivariate Longitudinal Outcomes. ENAR 2021. Virtual. March 2021. [Slides]
Multiple imputation of an expensive covariate in outcome dependent sampling designs for longitudinal data. ENAR 2020. Virtual. March 2020. [Slides]
Comparing BMI with skinfolds to estimate age at adiposity rebound and associations with later cardio-metabolic risk markers. 20th Annual SNEHA - MRC International Workshop. Pune (India). February 2017.
Instrumental variables selection: a comparison between regularisation and post-regularisation methods. UBC Department of Statistics Weekly Seminar. Vancouver (BC), Canada. August 2015.
Poster Presentation
The association of maternal age with fetal growth and newborn measures: the Mumbai Maternal Nutrition Project (MMNP). 10th World Congress on Development Origins of Health and Disease (DOHaD). Rotterdam (Netherlands). October 2017.
Comparing BMI with skinfolds to estimate age at adiposity rebound and associations with later cardio-metabolic risk markers. 61th Annual Scientific Meeting: Society of Social Medicine. Manchester (UK). September 2017.
A pre-conceptional micronutrient-rich food-based snack for women in Mumbai slums did not increase ultrasound measures of fetal growth. Nutrition and Nurture in Infancy and Childhood. Grange-over-Sands (UK). June 2017.
A pre-conceptional micronutrient-rich food-based snack for women in Mumbai slums did not increase ultrasound measures of fetal growth. 19th Annual SNEHA - MRC International Workshop. Hyderabad (India). February 2016. Winner of the Best Poster Award.